Adult Baptism Adults who are preparing to become Catholic participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) Adult baptism is celebrated during the Easter Vigil Service.
Infant Baptism Except during Lent, Infant Baptism is usually celebrated at noon on either a Saturday or Sunday. Parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Session prior to the Baptism.
Confirmation Adults and older youth who have not been confirmed, please contact the Parish Faith Formation office. Confirmation iscelebrated every year in the Fall.
Eucharist Eucharist is celebrated daily according to the schedule in the weekly Bulletin.
Reconciliation We celebratethe Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession ) daily between 6:30-6:45am, on Saturday from 3:00pm until 3:30pm and by apointment.
Anointing of the Sick If someone is seriously ill, whether at home or in the hospital, and at the time of major surgery or serious accident, please call the parish office or Father Lambert.
Marriage Couples who are considering marriage should contact the church at least 6 months before the couple’s projected wedding date.
Holy Orders The Priesthood is a continuation of Christs' work. Anyone seeking information about this sacrament is urged to view